The Last Day and a Half On our last full day in
London, we started as usual with the "Continental Breakfast" at
the hotel. This meal is a story on it's own. They serve
multiple dry cereals, a large selection of fruits, sweet roles, cheeses,
breads and a selection of jams. When they seat you you are served a
pot of perfect hot tea, fresh toast and jam. And as if that wasn't
enough, for an extra pound you can have several types of eggs, potatoes,
fish and bangers (sausage). After breakfast we waddled off to the tour bus stop to do our last look see around London. This time we took the Madame Tussaud's Tour. The first stop was on Baker street, so just out of curiosity we walked up the street and imagine our surprise when we found the Sherlock Holmes Museum at 221b Baker street. For avid Sherlock Holmes fans this place is paradise. They have re-created the 'b' flat just the way Arther Conan Doyle described it. You can imagine Sherlock Holmes and his friend Dr. Watson living in this very flat. Each of the rooms is decorated in period furnishings with items from Conan Doyle's novels placed around the rooms. They have created the feeling that Sherlock and the good Doctor have just stepped out to take a Hansom Cab in search of a case.
As if we needed more on this exciting day we went on with our tour and visited Winchester Cathedral, had a fine Italian lunch in the Theatre district and started working our way back to the hotel to pack and get ready for our trip home. We took suitcases with lots of room for souvenirs (we thought). So, the packing experience was yet another exciting adventure, but we got it all in and made our list for customs.
The trip through customs in
Gatwick and again at Atlanta airport was much easier than I expected.
A simple declaration form and a dirty look from the US Customs agent in
Atlanta and we were on our way back to Seymour, TN. When we arrived
at the Knoxville airport Ron couldn't remember exactly where he left his
truck. That was good for a few minutes of excitement, we decided it
had been stolen. But, when Ron walked into the garage the way we
drove in a week ago, sure enough there it was right where he left it!
This incredible vacation was ably arranged through Delta Vacations, they handled the arrangements and allowed us to enjoy England.