On our last day at Disney World we went back to Epcot Center to ride the rides, eat some more and visit the Countries one more time.A Morrocon Fez  We had Fish n Chips in the Rose and Crown restaurant (England) and snacked our way around the other countries.  I even tried on a 'Fez' in Morocco!

The last thing we did before leaving was go on the "General Motors Test Track" ride.  It is very fast and you ride inside and outside the building on a simulated test drive of a new concept car.

We were all dead tired, so it was time to go back to Wilderness Village and pack for departure.

The Rose and Crown Restaurant in England Waiting for Lunch Reservations Rest Stop Near Italy On the Way to Italy Main Street in France
My Very Own Fez -- No Way!

Epcot Center
Walt Disney World

The Moroccon's are Friendly - I Think?
With my Grandmother in Japan Granddad an Grandmother in Japan I've Never Seen So Many Souvenirs I Think I'm Tired? Pink Flamingos

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